23/04/2015 | 10:00      26/04/2015 | 20:00
Tarifa (CZ) | Hotel Dos Mares
FoundersKiteClub Tarifa 2015

Tickets from € 450,00 to €950,00

The FoundersKiteClub is an exclusive association of passionate kitesurfers, who organize kitesurf events around the world.

The aim is to meet like-minded people and kitesurfing together. You can fill up an application for that upcoming event, but only selected people are allowed. If you are one of them, you get an invitation and have to pay about 500 EUR. You will live then in the Hotel Dos Mares in Tarifa, where as well the surf beach is located.

Who has managed to be among the participants, has the chance to meet kitesurf world champions, designers and other interesting people from te scene.

All this sound a bit mystical, but the success of the guys from FoundersKiteClub is the proof that this concept works. For years the guys travel around the world gaining money with those events.

Location is the Hotel Dos Mares and there is as well the surf beach.

Whom the Hotel Dos Mares is too expensive, can have a look on our latest offers for apartments and holiday houses.

Hotel Dos Mares
11380 Tarifa(CZ)
View at google maps "FoundersKiteClub Tarifa 2015"
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The FoundersKiteClub is an exclusive association of passionate kitesurfers, who organize kitesurf events around the world. The aim is to meet like-minded people and kitesurfing together. You can fill up an application for that upcoming event, but only selected people are allowed. If you are one of them, you get an invitation and have to pay about 500 EUR. You will live then in the Hotel Dos Mares in Tarifa, where as well the surf beach is located. Who has managed to be among the participan Apr 23 , | 10:00 Apr 26 , | 20:00
Hotel Dos Mares, N-340(CZ) Tarifa, CZ 11380
Latitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 sec N Longitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=Hotel Dos Mares,Tarifa 11380 Spain
Priced from: 450 to 950